My Old Man – Shane Dorian

As a dad-to-be expecting a son in a few short weeks, I find myself thinking a lot lately about what kind of father I want to be and how to raise my son in this world. With all the various forms of technology and communication, it’s to get distracted and to forget about the simple things in life: spending time outdoors and having fun with nature. I’ve always considered Shane Dorian a badass, but after watching this video, he is now my hero and the epitome of how I hope to raise my son. Granted, I may not live in the back country of Hawaii or know how to hunt wild boar, but the point is to spend more time outside. Shane Dorian has faced some of the most dangerous waves in the world, is an avid hunter, and considers himself most in his element when outdoors. And for his son, Jackson, Dorian is passing on the same appreciation for the wild that comes with an endless spirit of outdoor exploration. Another beautiful video from the talented folks at Farm League, just in time for Father’s Day!

Matt Titone

A goofy-footed graphic designer who hails from the first state, Delaware. After attending Flagler College in St. Augustine, FL then graduating from SCAD in Savannah, GA with a BFA in Graphic Design and Illustration, Matt moved to NYC and found work as a freelance designer and art director. In 2006 he moved west to Venice, CA where he co-founded ITAL/C Studio and now resides a bit further north in Oxnard.

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