27 Frames — Jimmy Wilson

27 Frames

Jimmy Wilson

I will never forget meeting a young Jimmy Wilson back in St. Augustine, Florida circa 1999. I was attending Flagler College and Jimmy was the thick-haired wildman of his high school crew of local shredders. Even as a grom, Jimmy had serious passion and natural talent behind the camera lens. That paired with the local talent pool of surfers in St. Auggie as his subjects and you just knew Jimmy was going places. When I transferred to SCAD, I roped Jimmy into helping me with a surf magazine concept for a school project using his photos of Gabe Kling, Zander Morton, Chris Ropero and Jeff Logan. It was the first time I “covered” surfing in any way. Jimmy has come a long way since, he’s now the photo editor for Surfing Magazine and we are stoked to feature him doing his thing with a disposable camera in our 27 Frames series.

Who are you? Tell us a little about yourself.

I’m a 30 year old little kid from St. Augustine, Florida. Single dad. Snowboard frother. Photo Editor for SURFING Magazine.

How did you first get into photography?

One time I swam out with a disposable, underwater Kodak camera and nailed a couple photos of Zander Morton. We were probably 14 years old, hanging at an ESA contest.

Film or digital?

I loved shooting film back in the day, but digital has progressed photography by light years and I’m very thankful for it.

When was the last time you used a single use (disposable) camera?

Probably that same one I just talked about. So, 16 years ago?

What did you decide to shoot with your camera for this project?

It was a girls boat trip to the Virgin Islands for SURFING and also our Swimsuit issue. Coco Ho, Malia Manuel, Tia Blanco and Nikki Van Dijk were the surfers/models. Easily one of the most fun trips I’ve ever been on. Still freaking out.

Did you have any interesting experiences along the way?

After an evening session at Apple Bay, we headed to Cane Garden Bay just before dark. All the moorings were taken and even the normal anchor spots were completely packed. Middle of the night we awoke to breaking waves from the new swell hitting the boat and pushing us into the worst case scenario. Had to pull anchor and navigate out through the channel in the pitch black. Keep in mind this is Zander and I captaining a 44’ catamaran and we’re full on rookies. It was fucking sketchy.

What was the biggest challenge (if any) you had with the project?

I was scared to shoot through the roll too fast. I’m so used to firing away thousands of frames. But after review, it was definitely my finger getting in the way of the lens and using a viewfinder that was way off.

What was your favorite image from the roll?

Corey Wilson climbing up the mast. He was shitting himself up there!

Check out more of Jimmy’s work here:



Special thanks to Dexter’s Camera in Ventura for developing all of the film for the 27 Framesproject. If you are a photographer who loves film and have never visited their shop, go there now, they’re the best.

Matt Titone

A goofy-footed graphic designer who hails from the first state, Delaware. After attending Flagler College in St. Augustine, FL then graduating from SCAD in Savannah, GA with a BFA in Graphic Design and Illustration, Matt moved to NYC and found work as a freelance designer and art director. In 2006 he moved west to Venice, CA where he co-founded ITAL/C Studio and now resides a bit further north in Oxnard.

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