27 Frames — Nick LaVecchia

27 Frames

Nick LaVecchia

We sent 27 single use cameras out to some of our favorite photographers, they shot stuff with it, then mailed it back to us. We developed the film and are sharing the results with you (and the photographers) now. In this instant, digital age, we want to pay homage to a snapshot photo process we grew up with ourselves — waiting for the film to develop and being surprised by the results. These 27 Frames belong to Nick LaVecchia. Nick is a cold water surf pioneer who was one of the first lensmen to glamorize winter surfing (aided by incredible advancements in wetsuit technology in recent years). His images are raw, natural, and intimate. He has the unique ability to put you in the scene and make you really feel the elements depicted. Even with a crappy little disposable, what he decided to shoot with his camera for this project was no exception.

Who are you? Tell us a little about yourself.

Nick LaVecchia, youngest of 7, who all ended up somehow starting their own businesses and working for themselves. Born and raised in New Jersey, but spent every winter weekend and holidays in the Green Mountains of Vermont. That time spent in Vermont solidified my love of New England. Spent 8.5 years after college at JDK Design in Burlington, Vermont working on Burton Snowboards. Maine being the closest place to access the ocean from Burlington, my brother Mike and I eventually moved to the coast in 2005.

How did you first get into photography?

Travel, and stealing my Dad’s camera. I took a sailing / marine biology semester at sea my sophomore year (1994) in college.  I fell in love with documenting the ocean and all it’s moods right then. That semester at Sea pushed me to travel and shoot extensively in the years to come.

What did you decide to shoot with your camera for this project?

Home for the Holidays – this was my idea for the project. I wanted to shoot in a snapshot style, and document brothers Dean and Mac Petty who were home in Maine for Christmas visiting their Mom.

Did you have any interesting experiences along the way?

Yeah, I just realized my finger was over the lens for half the frames!

What was the biggest challenge (if any) you had with the project?

Getting used to that tiny viewfinder!

What was your favorite image from the roll?

Probably the shot of Mac, Dean and Ellie in front of the front door.  The perfect little family and the perfect little house in the woods, on the coast of Maine.

Check out more of Nick’s work here:



Special thanks to Dexter’s Camera in Ventura for developing all of the film for the 27 Framesproject. If you are a photographer who loves film and have never visited their shop, go there now, they’re the best.

Matt Titone

A goofy-footed graphic designer who hails from the first state, Delaware. After attending Flagler College in St. Augustine, FL then graduating from SCAD in Savannah, GA with a BFA in Graphic Design and Illustration, Matt moved to NYC and found work as a freelance designer and art director. In 2006 he moved west to Venice, CA where he co-founded ITAL/C Studio and now resides a bit further north in Oxnard.

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