Directed by Keith Malloy, Fishpeople tells the stories of a unique cast of characters who have dedicated their lives to the sea. From surfers and spearfishers to a long-distance swimmer, a former coal miner and a group of at-risk kids on the streets of San Francisco, it’s a film about the transformative effects of time spent in the ocean – and leaving behind our limitations to find deeper meaning in the saltwater wilderness that lies just beyond the shore. Individuals featured in the film include Dave Rastovich (surfer), Matahi Drollet (surfer/fisherman), Lynne Cox (open-water swimmer), Ray Collins (photographer), Eddie Donnellan (youth worker) and Kimi Werner (spearfisher). Fishpeople will show in 13 US cities, premiering at La Paloma Theatre in Encinitas, Calif on April 13. The complete tour schedule can be found here. The film will be available to the general public starting July 2017 on iTunes and other VOD platforms.