1. Unroll your WaveWam teepee, once you pull it out of the bag.
2. Assemble bamboo and aluminum poles. Insert male end into female end of aluminum and allow them to snap together.
3. Slide assembled poles larger end to the top, smaller on the bottom into the six sleeves on the teepee. There should be six poles and six sleeves. You can leave length on the bottom to add additional breathability when assembled or flush them to the teepee to block out the wind.
4. Once all poles are in sleeves gather all poles together. Use tie on top to tie the gathered poles together three inches above the teepee fabric. Try not to tie too tight as the poles will not spread correctly.
5. Once top is tied, climb inside your teepee and spread the legs out. The poles will naturally spiral out when you spread the bottom. Place on the ground and spread each leg out individually until it has reached the maximum diameter.
6. Lay out a blanket for additional comfort. If windy, utilize the steaks to hold teepee down. Sand can also be used on the side panels of the teepee to keep structure from blowing over.
7. For more privacy you can use the leather ties to close up the doors in the front of your WaveWam.
We hope you enjoy your new WaveWam! If you haven’t ordered yours yet, here is the link to buy it exclusively in our online shop: