Samsung – Every Day is Day One

Samsung – Every Day is Day One

Usually ads that feature surfing make me feel very awkward and uncomfortable in my own skin to watch. Aside from just being a cheesy, inaccurate representation of what it’s all about, they also get me all pissed off that surfing has then been exposed once again to an even greater mainstream audience and raped of it’s purity to sell some stupid product… On the other hand, I was very surprised to see this Samsung ad capture some very real and true feelings and experiences surrounding our little world. The commercial is beautifully shot, feels natural and doesn’t come off too addy. Plus, it is probably the first time I’ve ever seen Kelly Slater wipeout — but that’s how you know it’s fake!

Matt Titone

A goofy-footed graphic designer who hails from the first state, Delaware. After attending Flagler College in St. Augustine, FL then graduating from SCAD in Savannah, GA with a BFA in Graphic Design and Illustration, Matt moved to NYC and found work as a freelance designer and art director. In 2006 he moved west to Venice, CA where he co-founded ITAL/C Studio and now resides a bit further north in Oxnard.

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