Surf Porn Sunday – Stab In The Dark

Surf Porn Sunday – Stab In The Dark

How would you like to have that new board feeling every time you surf for 11 sessions straight? You know; waxing up a brand new, pearly white surfboard straight from the shaper and letting it touch the ocean for the first time, laying down your first smooth turn, then eventually giving it it’s first of many pressure dings… Stab Magazine invited 12 of the world’s best shapers to each create a board for an unidentified 6’0”, 80kg CT surfer. Fast-forward some months and Julian Wilson was standing in the garage of a West Oz rental, opening two coffins full of cleanskin boards – no markings, no stickers, no pencil on the stringer, nothing identifiable – one from California, the other direct from Sydney. This video shows his “blind surf test” process in choosing what he considered the best board. Spoiler alert: it was the DHD.

Matt Titone

A goofy-footed graphic designer who hails from the first state, Delaware. After attending Flagler College in St. Augustine, FL then graduating from SCAD in Savannah, GA with a BFA in Graphic Design and Illustration, Matt moved to NYC and found work as a freelance designer and art director. In 2006 he moved west to Venice, CA where he co-founded ITAL/C Studio and now resides a bit further north in Oxnard.

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