The Overlook Hotel

Overlook Hotel

In 1980 Stanley Kubrick premiered his film adaptation of Stephen King’s best selling novel The Shinning. Initially panned by many critics and notably hated by Stephen King himself, the film has since been universally acknowledged as a classic of cinema. The Overlook Hotel is a great Tumblr blog named after the remote setting for Stanley’s progressive horror film and collects rare artifacts, photos, documents, interviews, art, culture and history of all things The Shinning.

Drew Innis

A New Englander through and through, Drew grew up in Connecticut / New Hampshire and got over educated in Boston. He also lived on a beach in Southern California for some years. Film, photography, music and literature monopolize his time these days. Drew lives in Brooklyn, NY, eats too many cheeseburgers at the Commodore and hopes to carry on simply one day on a big piece of land by the sea without the computer or YouTube.

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