Une Fille Comme Les Autres

Fashion videos are usually just like surf porn: heavy on tricks, primal visual spectacles and what’s hot (faux lens flares and light leaks), but generally lacking in narrative, content or genuine utility. While this video by Matthew Frost featuring Ashley Smith for Jalouse Magazine is still shallow, it’s brilliantly masked by a clever narrative that serves its purpose for existing (to sell style and the magazine’s image to its viewers) while simultaneously taking-a-piss and expounding the often cliche nature of the fashion editorial genre itself. And all in a tone and style that is very indebted to one of the great living storytellers, Woody Allen.


Drew Innis

A New Englander through and through, Drew grew up in Connecticut / New Hampshire and got over educated in Boston. He also lived on a beach in Southern California for some years. Film, photography, music and literature monopolize his time these days. Drew lives in Brooklyn, NY, eats too many cheeseburgers at the Commodore and hopes to carry on simply one day on a big piece of land by the sea without the computer or YouTube.

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